Media Info & Press Kit
This is the Media Info & Press Kit section of the Spomenik Database website. In this section you will find a listing of articles, publications and journalistic essays which are either about this project and/or make mention of its work and its efforts. In addition, this page also contains a 'Press Kit' for writers, reporters and journalists who wish to write about the Spomenik Database, its companion book, "Spomenik Monument Database", or any topics related to these projects.
Listing of Recent Media Articles
"Erasing the multi-ethnic and anti-fascist past in Pec" from Kosovo Online, September 19th, 2023
"Eine Reise zu den futuristischen Denkmälern Ex-Jugoslawiens", from Der Standard, July 3rd, 2023
"30 Spectacular Things to Do in Croatia in 2023", from Wander Lush, July 1st, 2023
"Croatia’s Best Kept Secret? Its Decaying Communist Ruins", from The Daily Beast, December 3rd, 2022
"17 wondrous website time machines", from World of Topia Magazine, April 4th, 2022
"Spomenik, memoria histórica en serbocroata" from Jot Down Magazine, November 30th, 2021
"SPOMENIKS, out of context", from Kompleks Magazine, October 11th, 2021
"These Monuments Are Already Spoken For" from Contemporary Review of Genocide, September 24, 2021
"Spomeniks: A Heroic and Terrible History Caught in Concrete" from Greyscape, February 26th, 2021
"Donald Niebyl: Every Monument Counts" from Quotes Magazine, February 5th, 2021
"The secrets of spomeniks: a window into Yugoslavia", from Bradt Guides, November 10th, 2020
"The Kamenska anti-fascist memorial" from The Morning Star, November 8th, 2020
"Ace of Spomenik Database – Donald Niebyl" from Remembering Yugoslavia, November 2nd, 2020
"這些仿佛來自外星的紀念碑,矗立於浸滿鮮血的巴爾幹半島上" from KK News, September 5th, 2020
"The Legacy Of Serbia's 'Spomenik' Master" from Radio Free Europe, August 13th, 2020
"Brutalist research: Books you should definitely read" from MORF, July 24th, 2020
"Arhitektura modernističkih robnih kuća širom bivše Jugoslavije", from Gradnja, April 17th, 2020
"Recharting A Lost History With Google Maps" from Medium, January 6th, 2020
"The weird and wonderful spomeniks of the Balkans", from The Telegraph, October 3rd, 2019
"Стоит побывать. Фантастические военные мемориалы Югославии", from Onliner, August 10th, 2019
"Spomenik: un viaggio nei monumenti di un’era perduta", from TargetPoint, August 4th, 2019
"За изград на "Македониумот" во игра бил уште еден град", from Fakulteti.mk, August 2nd, 2019
"Dediščino socializma doma tajimo, na Zahodu je hit", from Delo, July 27th, 2019
"El cemento y la mirada" from La Vanguardia, June, 22nd, 2019
"Concrete Socialist Legacies" from New Views from the Bloc, June 12th, 2019
"The Partisan Monuments of Socialist Yugoslavia" from Tribune Magazine, May 10th, 2019
"Top 10 Architecture Books Of 2018", from World Architecture, December 24th, 2018
"Men betongen vitret ikke" from ABC News Norway, December 22nd, 2018
"Archinect meets Spomenik Database" from Archinect, December 14th, 2018
"Eerie and otherworldly, the powerful story of the Spomeniks" from We Heart, November 26th, 2018
"Best books of 2018: Architecture and design", from Financial Times, November 23rd, 2018
"Tko je Amerikanac zaljubljen u jugoslavenske spomenike?", from Juntarnji List, October 27th, 2018
"Crazy concrete: Yugoslavia's war memorials – in pictures", from The Guardian, October 24th, 2018
"Spomeniks, les monuments de la discorde", from Radio France, October, 7th, 2018
"Book review: Spomenik Monument Database", from Degraded Orbit, September 24th, 2018
"Советская архитектура в издательстве Fuel", from Интерьер, September 9th, 2018
"Iconic spomenik memorials explored in new photo book" from Spectrum, September 6th, 2018
"The American Preserving Memories of Yugoslav WWII Memorials", from Balkan Insight, July 27th, 2018
"The power of art: epic Yugoslav monuments in the Balkans" from Lonely Planet, June 15th, 2018
"Monuments d’un pays qui n’existe plus", from Le Monde, June 14th, 2018
"Grafstenen van een glorieuze toekomst" from De Groene, August 30th, 2017
"Koga sploh (še) zanimajo jugoslovanski spomeniki revolucije?" from Delo, November 1st, 2016
Press Kit
The Spomenik Database was begun in 2015 by American amateur researcher and historian Donald Niebyl (pronounced NEE-bull). The aim of this project is to act as a free and open educational resource for people around the world to learn about the often overlooked artistically ambitious and culturally significant WWII monument heritage of the former-Yugoslav region. Within the Spomenik Database website you will find a vast amount of information related to these monuments (often referred to as 'spomeniks'), such as historical profiles, essays, news articles, maps, photographs, documentaries and much, much more. Through the compilation of this online database, Donald has created the largest and most popular destination on the web for learning about and exploring the 'spomeniks', receiving over 10,000 visitors a month. In September of 2018, Donald Niebyl published a book based on his project which is titled "Spomenik Monument Database", put out by Fuel Publishing & Design.
Below you will find links to high quality image files of the Spomenik Database logos, book images, as well as a selection of monuments for the use in articles and other publications. If you decide to use these resources, please credit all photos as "Donald Niebyl/Spomenik Database". For press inquiring and general questions, please email the lead contact for the Spomenik Database project, Donald Niebyl, at info@SpomenikDatabase.org.
Main Spomenik Database logo
Small Spomenik Database logo
Book Image
Donald Niebyl at Kragujevac, Serbia
Podgarić, Croatia
Petrova Gora, Croatia
Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenia
Obadov Brijeg, Montenegro
Ostra, Serbia
Spomenik Database Social Media links