People to Thank
There are many people I want to thank for helping me out along this trip and on this project.
Firstly, I would like to thank all of those who followed me along as travel companions on various legs of the trip: Charlie on various sites in the Split area, along with José and Justin during the trip to Biokovo... Tom and his wife in Sarajevo (lots of great debates), along with Izzet... Keri and Gerry in Mostar AND Skopje... Koschka on the bus from Nis to Skopje... Takuji in Belgrade (and all over Serbia)... Daniel in Budapest... Isaac in Cologne (hope you had fun in Russia)... good to see Chloe again in Sarajevo (even if just for a moment)... and of course, MOST of all, Goran and his friends for saving my ass like no other in the mountains of Kozara in Bosnia (I am eternally grateful!), you are right, that car had no business being there.
For translation help, of course, I have to thank Dragan and Nikolae at the El Diablo Hostel in Belgrade... then of course Adeena at the Doctor's Hostel in Sarajevo (who put me in touch with Dragan, best advice ever!)... then all the good people working at the Aurora Hostel in Nis... the amazing Ladybird of the Beach Hostel in Split must be thanked just in general... finally, Angela at the Unity Hostel in Skopje helped me out amazingly, you were all a blast to spend time with!
Also, I cant forget my aunt Caroline Anne, who always tolerates my visits to England, as well as my most amazing partner Tyler Pannell, without whom this project would not have been possible.