Historic Maps
1979 Croatia WWII Monuments Tourist Map
Interactive Map - use +/- or mouse wheel to zoom
The above navigable image shows the 1979 map published in Yugoslavia that depicts the memorials (spomeniks) of the SR of Croatia which were dedicated to the People's Liberation Struggle against fascist aggression and occupation during WWII. This map image was graciously provided to me courtesy of Peter Korchnak of Remembering Yugoslavia. This map comes from the notable 1979 touristic book "Putovima Revolucije", a book which examines Croatia's WWII monuments in detail. It can be downloaded at the "Catalog" section of the Spomenik Database Digital Library. The most notable monuments are represented on the map with small hand-drawn icons, while smaller sites are depicted with more general icons. Although this map does not provide the location of ALL spomenik sites across Croatia, as many were built after 1979 and not every single site is included, it does give a good idea of the vast amount of spomeniks spread across the Croatian landscape, as well as giving us an idea of their varied shapes and sizes. The legend for this map, situated in the lower left-hand corner of the image, is translated here:
Interactive Map - Use fingers to zoom

In addition to these symbols, the following information about the creation of this map is also provided within the legend: This map was created by Branko Božić. The cartographic work and art processing was done by Ivan Gradišer. The reproduction of the map was carried out by Stjepan Uhernik. Finally, it was published by the Zagreb-based agency Turistkomerc in 1979.